Best Practice. Emotional Intelligence on labour market

Project’s objective:

  • To improve advisors´ educational practice quality, by using online tests/guides or coaching sessions to facilitate the management of emotional processes in classroom.
  • Develop innovative teaching resources to train VET educators in emotional competencies.
  • Develop an interactive platform with virtual spaces for the self-assessment of emotional competencies, co-creation and dissemination of educational materials, exchange of ideas and methodologies, etc.
  • Test the quality of the products obtained consulting stakeholders, associated partners and indirect target groups.
  • Disseminate the project at local/regional/national and international level taking advantage of partners’ network.

The ultimate objective of this project is to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process by developing emotional skills competences among VET advisors to tackle effectively the specific characteristic of the target group (i.e., VET students).

The emotional skills training for VET advisors will improve their professional practice, will improve their expectations of being successful in teaching target group and will have positive impact on professional development and future career.

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Emotional Intelligence


While consulting the E+ project results’ platform, we noticed that the total number of funded projects including the meta-word “Emotional Intelligence” is 1148.

After in-depth assessment and analysis, we extrapolated a couple of initiatives tackling the same scope/domain (or similar) addressed by ESSENCE. The resources provided by these projects can be of meaningful relevance for ESSENCE target groups from several perspectives as they represent further platforms of reference for their capacity building and professional development, and diversified sources of training opportunities.

The project’s information that we report hare above is extrapolated from the description of the proposal as published on the project results’ platform