
Intellectual Output 4 consists of two components:

  • guidelines for the use of the project's results and the results beyond the scope of the partnership, including geographic scope. The guidelines will aim to mainstream project materials and sustain their dissemination after Erasmus + co-financing ends;
  • a soft skills manifesto aimed at universities to increase student employability and empower them in the business community and organizational environment.

The ESSENCE Strategy Paper is a document that brings together all the experiences gained during the implementation of parts of the project and consolidates a wealth of knowledge about the dynamics of soft skills in order to increase employability and professional self-improvement in higher education environments from an operational perspective. The guidelines in the manifest will outline the operational conclusions drawn from the perspective of what worked and what could possibly be improved based on the implementation of the training pilot ESSENCE in IO3, including the following:

  • organization of training
  • communication with target groups and potential participants
  • recruitment
  • group management
  • "blended learning" and online transmission
  • participants' motivation
  • participants' opinions
  • suggestions on how best to conduct training under different operational conditions