Case Study. Making Decisions the Right Way – Which Decision Type Should I Choose?

You are a team leader at ICT Consult Ltd., a small company that works on IT projects for different organizations. There are five great IT specialists in your team. You know your strengths and weaknesses very well and you always manage to distribute your workload so that you can complete the projects on time and with excellent quality. One day Eric, the most experienced IT specialist on the team, comes to you and files his resignation letter. You are utterly surprised – why would this valuable team member want to leave the company and could you do something about it?

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Your task includes the following steps:

  1. Define the problem and explain the potential causes.
  2. Select one of the causes as most probable and prepare at least two satisfactory solutions to this problem.
  3. Identify the main criteria for making your decision (selecting a solution), compare the two solutions against your criteria and justify your decision.
  4. Identify the type of the decision that you have made.

Since the task might have multiple outcomes, here is one possible solution:

1. Define the problem and explain the potential causes.
The problem is that a key employee leaves our team which will cause friction, additional workload, loss of team efficiency and cohesion, or even motivation.
Potential causes for leaving the company may be a lack of opportunities for development (this is the most experienced team member and he would expect more), a job offer from a competitor, personal issues, willingness to change the work routine.

2. Select one of the causes as most probable and prepare at least two satisfactory solutions to this problem.
The most probable cause is the lack of development opportunities. Two possible solutions for this problem are: 1) form a new team within the company and put Eric in the leadership position; 2) empower Eric to make his own decisions for certain aspects of the work, provide more freedom and challenging tasks.

3. Identify the main criteria for making your decision (selecting a solution), compare the two solutions against your criteria and justify your decision.
The main criteria would be time needed to implement the decision; likelihood to retain Eric; cost for the company; effect on team performance.

Here is the comparison of the two solutions:


Solution 1

Solution 2


Long timeframe

Very little


More likely

Less likely


Costs related to organizational changes

No specific cost

Team performance

Detrimental to the original team. Unknown for the new team

Improvement for the original team

Based on the criteria analysis, we suggest making the decision to apply the second solution even though the first would have higher chances of success. The risks associated with forming a new team are very high and we cannot measure the outcomes.

4. Identify the type of the decision that you have made.
This decision has been made in uncertain circumstances, it is a nonprogrammed, tactical, and specific decision.


Types of decisions, HR problem, decision process
